Improve Your Pronunciation, yuk!

by - 3:15:00 PM

Copy from Lampu_tembokk blog nih, kalo mau meningkatkan pengucapan kamu dalam bahasa Inggris yuk mari baca postingan kali ini. Actually, this blog is mine. Yupp, it's mine. Yeah, waktu ada tugas komputer berkelompok. Vero, Oyen n I. As usual lahh~

Let's check how to improve ur pronunciation. Scroll down, please~

HAPPY KARTINI'S DAY, everyone! Telat ngucapin Onion Head Emoticons 49

1.      Always note what you read, watch and listen. For example, if you are watching a movie (try to watch a Hollywood movie, but do not watch “blue” movie  ) ALWAYS note the new words you do not know. Because it will help you to increase your vocabulary, too. In a movie always there are captions or subtitles in Indonesian. From here, indirectly we learnt. One of the advantages of watching movie is we know new vocabulary and the meaning of it without looking for in dictionary first. Because it availables on there, right?

2.      Listen what the speaker says, how they pronounce it all, and try to in front of the mirror. Do not be shy if your parents are thinking you’re start crazy, because the finally they will be happy if you have a good pronunciation. Who knows, after you have it all, you can enter your name in speech dialogue competition. Your friends will learn from you. Who knows? 

3.      If you have daughter, son, sister, brother, cousin, niece etc still child, teach them about English. Especially how to pronounce and vocabulary because their brain is still fresh. It seems like fish from refrigerator.They easy to remember what you say or tell. But if you are adult, do not worry about that. Just keep practice! Do not scare to try something new in your life, guys. We know, one of you still be shy to perform in front of your friends or the class. And we know, too that to pronounce it very difficult to some people (especially, for people who can’t dance with their tongue ) In here we need times to practice. Everybody must be shy. But not including you! You can change it, by practice.

4.      Save your notes in your book (or your netbook) Because if it lost, you will start in beginning again. Luckily if you remember it all, but how about you forget? Ups, you will be disappointed. Who knows, maybe your notes taken by your sister or your brother and many others. Who knows? Without knowing from you, your sister and brother throws your note to the dustbin. OMG. So, save it in the save place. Below from pillow maybe :D (you think it likes teeth, so you can save it below from pillow, heh?! Wish the tooth fairy come to you? -_-“)
segitu aja sih. N for ur information this is ma experience

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