
New Stuff

by - 6:21:00 PM

Lama tinggal di kota Samarinda n' punya kegiatan yang monoton (ngejar2 dosen pembimbing) bikin badanku yang kemaren lumayan gak berisi, sekarang alhamdulillah jadi ndut. Eits! Kita harus bersyukur apa yang Allah swt kasih ke kita, one of them is I'm fat girl now! Banyak temen2 ngomen badanku sekarang: tambah ndutan ya sekarang ato Ya ampuun, Oooll, coba dikurusin lagi badanmu. Gak bagus tau! I hate if someone says to me : You fatso!

Oh, come on, girls! I like this. Whatever God gives to me, I have to appreciate it. Alhamdulillah. Lagian, keluarga tercinta suka2 aja dengan badanku yang sekarang. Apalagi HIM (read: husband). Diriku suka banget ngaca di kamar sambil bolak balikin badan: Iiiih, kok aku tambah subur yaahh..*senengmintaampun*

I don't care what people say to ma' (excuse ma' language) 'butt'. What is your problem, huh? I luv them. So much. Lama aku ngikutin cara olahraga si Mariam Belina (senam pantat) akhirnya terbentuk juga. Hahaha. Thanks Allah... 
So, if you have big butt (sorry) don't worry be happy, girls! Allah gives excessiveness to us, whatever it is.
Karena badan udah gede (read: semok), kaki juga gedeeecrying check this out!

Oh ya, these are ma' new stuff. Don't look at ma' feet yaak! Look at ma' shoes thumbs up 

 Thanks to husband’s camdig “KODAK”

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