
by - 7:18:00 PM

Maybe, part of woman suka banget dandan alias make up. Jalan keluar, dandan. Ketemu pacar, dandan. Ketemu dosen, dandan juga. Bahkan klo mau tidur juga disempatin buat dandan (baca: pake masker malam). Nahh, beda banget ama aku. I used to be, exactly. But now, I'm different. Make up is just like part of ma' style now. Secara udah berlumpur, ups, berlumut *gubrak* maksudnya berumur (grow up). But I don't really like dressing up. Biasa aja sih. Hehehe.

A long time ago ( b'coz it's very long time, dude. So I called it 'long time'. Don't look ma' age!). When, ma' mom nyuruh2 luluran, pasti adaaaaaa aja jawaban buat nolak tawaran itu. That's not ma' style! But, I can't do like that anymore, b'coz there's a policeman, I mean not a policeman. He always watches me (baca: husband). So, how can I refuse it all? wanna make the third war, huh? devil

OK. Back to the laaaptooop.
Dulu aku gak suka dandan kaya cewek. Sukanya santai kaya cowok. Pakaianku pun hampir semua t-shirt n' jeans. OMG. Wanna be masculine, exactly. Temenan pun prefer ke cowok2. But now I realize that I was born as a girl. I have to appreciate it. It's gift of God, isn't it? Alhamdulillah... jadi cewek itu bener2 merasa SEMPURNA walopun kenyataannya gak sempurna, hehe.

Being a girl or woman is like leaving in the middle of flowers. Always full of colors, sometimes red, pink, blue or dark.

Cukup. Yukz, mari aku kenalin dengan temen2 baruku batting eyelashes

Ma' lipsticks :)

Another one lipstick ;)

Actually, salah satu sahabatku si Oyen yang menggebu2 nyuruh aku buat  beli perlengkapan make up. Yahh, supaya aku lebih feminin lagi n' cantik lagi donk. hahasek. Trimakasih buat Oyen yang udah bikin aku tergoda n' ngorbanin duit untuk alat make up yang gak seberapa ini. Ck. Actually, aku prefer ke makanan sih daripada alat make up. But for ma' husband, I'll do it. In order to he loves me more. Hahaha.

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