If I were..

by - 2:51:00 PM

Sometimes there's desire to be another person. Pengen jadi orang yang lebih baek lagi, pengen jadi orang yang lebih hebat lagi, pengen jadi orang yang lebih penting lagi, pengen pengen pengen pokoknya. Yeah, klo ngelihat orang di media sosial rasanya pengen berandai2. Andai aku jadi dia, andai aku sehebat dia, andai aku mengalami kayak dia, bla bla bla. Cih! It's so pathetic. Everyone has advantages and disadvantages in the world. But, it is ok if we have eagerness, isn't it? 

You know what, if I imagine that I were the another person in this world, how a beautiful day it is! I have different face, different place, different friends, different family and different everything! but maybe have same attitude. Because it's very difficult to change up. That's why ma' husband doesn't like it. How childish you are! Oh, don't wanna think about it.

 But in this post, I don't wanna talk about ma' relationship. Just wanna talk about: how happy I am! Ma' lecturer (the first lecturer) told me that I can ask for her signature, which is mean I have her approval, dudddeeeee! Hurreeeehh! Can you imagine for one more year I wait for her signature? Actually, ma' second lecturer told me that I have to change up ma' title in proposal. Oh, come on. I don't wanna be a rusty girl in the college. Hehe.

But I have to add two journal again in previous study so after that I go to seminar! Alhamdulillah.. Thanks a lot Allah. I know that You always knows the best for Your people. You know what, it's feel like I have a boy friend for the first time! Always happy :).

Emang sih kita harus jadi orang yang sabaaaarr banget menghadapi semua rintangan, karena setelah itu pasti ada imbalannya. Sesuatu yang bener2 bikin kita melayang n'trus berbunga2. Hehe. Insya Allah berhasil pada saatnya. Amiiiiinn..:)
Skripsi para mahasiswa yg udh lulus di Perpus kampus :p

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