The Cutest

by - 2:12:00 PM

Ok then. I know it's not new photos that I have in ma' sweet netbook. But I have to post it all, because if I don't do this, I will disappointed. Hahaha. Actually, I have best friend when I was junior high school. SMP. Yepps, she is creative girl, cheerful girl n' smart (klo doi baca postingan kali ini pasti bakalan panjang tu leher *maksudlooh).

Her name is Vina Ariani. We love writing and cute stuff. Pernah jalan kaki dari rumah ke toko buku *klo gak salah ingat* demi beli alat tulis yang lagi In n' pulangnya sendal jepit doi putus. Hahaha. We love the color writing in our note books. It's fun! Make us get spirit when we reading or writing it. Pokoknya banyak banget kenangan2 yang kami lakuin bersama waktu jaman2 SMP dulu.

This is it!

Close ma' eyes :D
The cutest :)

Can you differentiate ma' photos? I look like fatter on the first photos, right? ;)
Hahahaha. Big confidence, huh? angel

Thanks to husband’s camdig “KODAK”

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